Tips for Losing Weight After Baby

Tips for Losing Weight After Baby

Check out these tips for losing weight after baby. It’s something that most new mothers struggle with. As we are healing and recovering, our bodies need more from us. Our babies need things from us. And so the process of losing weight after baby should be conquered the safe way and with lots of care and patience.

Healthy Weight Loss After Pregnancy

We are sharing with you the top 3 healthy tips for losing weight after bringing that bundle of joy into the world.

It’s important to start by mentioning that if you’re breastfeeding, it’s extra important to lose weight SLOWLY. This is because if you lose too much weight too quickly- it can reduce your milk supply significantly. According to, breastfeeding women will need at least 500 extra calories every day. So just keep that in mind.

Tip #1: No meal skipping

When trying to lose weight after baby, it’s vital that you do not skip any meals. Skipping meals is bad because it can actually have the opposite effect on your body. When you skip meals, your metabolism can slow down, which actually causes you to gain more weight instead of losing it. Not to mention, you will be getting less of the calories and nutrients that your body needs at this delicate time. Instead, you should actually be eating more frequently- but in smaller amounts. The general rule of thumb is that each of your portions should be no larger than the size of your fist.

Tip #2: Choose healthy options

When losing weight after baby, it’s important that the food you’re selecting to fuel your body is nutritiously dense. You have to intake more calories than usual while trying to LOSE weight. The only way this work is if you’re choosing the right kinds of calories. You should be eating around 5 to 6 small meals a day with well-balanced snacks. Make sure that your selections are either low-fat or non-fat options as well as whole grains and fresh fruits and veggies.

Tip #3: Daily Exercise

Do something to get your body moving every day. Start by taking a walk around the neighborhood with your baby in the stroller. Once your body has gotten used to this regular movement, you can move up to some light weight lifting exercising. You can even use baby as your weight. Strap them to you in your baby wrap or carrier and do some simple exercises like lunges or squats. The extra weight will help you drop pounds of fat, not muscle. You will definitely start to notice an increase in strength.

We can’t stress enough how important it is for you to be patient with yourself during this process. Love your body and the amazing journey its been through. You’re not alone. If you feel you may need some support, there are so many wonderful new mom forums and groups out there to join so you can lean on one another when you need to. Baby is depending on you to be healthy and strong. So take care of yourself, mama!

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