How to choose a sport for your child

Choosing the right sport for young kids age 3, 4, 5 or 6 can seem like a shot in the dark. But the truth is, you don't have to pick just one sport. At this age, kids are still developing their motor control skills and building their strength and functionality. What they are good at now can change drastically in as little as a year. 

Research has shown that the key for this age is just early introduction. That means, introduce them to a variety of sports just for fun! Help them learn all about it and help them develop their motor control and ball control skills. 

To help you understand if your child is ready for sports, our expert advisors helped us develop an interactive sports assessment.

This assessment takes into account not only the child's current skills, but also their attitude/emotions and past exposure to physical activity. Teaching a child basic skills before throwing them into an organized league will help them be more successful, it will help them enjoy it (because they are good at it) and it will help them want to stick with it longer. 

So before you sign up for that local T-ball or community soccer, make sure your child is ready. Based on your assessment results, you will receive personalized weekly emails about what you can work on to help prepare them for successful sports experiences. 

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